Mindful Strategies for Getting Kids to Martial Arts Class Getting children motivated for martial arts class can sometimes be a challenge for parents. But with the right approach, you can make the journey smoother and more enjoyable for both you and your child. In this blog, we’ll explore some mindful strategies to help you […]
Parents always want to give their child the BEST opportunity to grow, improve, and have fun in everyday life. Isn’t that true?? 100% YES Well Dynamite Kids After School & Summer Camp (located in West Chester PA – Chester County) helps parents do just that while saving them money too. The After School program offers […]
Nutrition plays a significant role in a child’s overall well-being, and it can have a profound effect on their behavior, especially in young children. Here’s why it matters: Blood Sugar Levels: Sugary snacks and drinks can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, leading to a burst of energy followed by a crash. This […]
It’s that time where we start gearing up for the Back-2-School season, it’s the perfect time to visit some crucial content to help support our students emotional and cognitive balance. As a caring child development expert, I’m here to share insights on two crucial aspects of brain integration: Horizontal Connectivity and Vertical Connectivity. These concepts […]
Most are aware of the benefits of physical activity for people of all ages… a stronger cardiovascular system, improved muscle tone, weight management, motor coordination, etc. Additionally, there are brain-boosting benefits that help children with brain function and learning, leading to better school performance. Unfortunately, however, many adults aren’t knowledgeable about the significance of underdeveloped […]
How Parental Involvement Increases Child Success Parents are an essential element to their child’s success in anything. The enthusiasm and support, or lack thereof, of a parent can make or break a child’s accomplishments. In SKILLZ martial arts, it is even more essential that parents be involved as part of the teaching team since […]
Nurturing Connection: The Foundation of Effective Parenting Parenting Struggle: “My child won’t listen to even the simplest of commands.” Lesson Learned: The depth of connection between parent and child profoundly influences cooperation and communication. Connection is not just a buzzword; it’s the bedrock of successful parenting. When children feel deeply connected […]
A 4D Approach to Online Safety Children of all ages are spending more and more time on devices. Online schoolwork and staying connected to family members are positive ways children can use technology. And while video games and social media apps are ways for children to connect and “play” with friends, these platforms are also […]
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Shopping for gifts, decorating the house, baking goodies, attending parties, visiting family…there are so many fun and exciting things to do. With all these wonderful events, who wouldn’t be happy all the time? Unfortunately, children and especially children with any type of sensory processing disorder. Therefore, parents […]
With the holiday season in full swing, families everywhere are struggling to make suitable plans. While our typical holidays are full of family gatherings, parties, and many other busy events this year, the pandemic has put a damper on some of our holiday traditions and, instead, increased our stress. And although some of our regular […]
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The holidays are for celebrations, togetherness, and relaxation. It’s a magical time and all the fun activities, shopping, and baking keeps everyone busy. And with all the excitement comes a great deal of preparation and scheduling. It’s easy for parents to get caught up in it all […]
Goal setting is a characteristic that significantly links an individual to their future success. Having the right mindset is crucial and encourages our behaviors as we encounter different challenges. Since our mindset incorporates our own beliefs about skills and abilities that we possess, we must have a growth mindset and teach children the power of […]
Most are aware of the benefits of physical activity for people of all ages… a stronger cardiovascular system, improved muscle tone, weight management, motor coordination, etc. Additionally, there are brain-boosting benefits that help children with brain function and learning, leading to better school performance. Unfortunately, however, many adults aren’t knowledgeable about the significance of underdeveloped […]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “Wait! I have to tell my mommy something!” If you enjoy watching our youngest Ninjas in action during Little Ninjas class enjoyment, then you know all too well how much these littles […]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss “Mommy, look my muscles?!” I remember it like it was yesterday when my youngest son who was three years old at the time came running into the kitchen to show me his BIG […]
Do you remember the carefree days of your youth? Running outside to meet up with your friends at the park and keeping an eye on the sun and street lights to know when it was time to head home for dinner and family time. Those were the days! Present day socialization practices for our children […]
Emotional Goals Begin with Proud Ninja Parents……… “Mommy, it’s okay to have big feelings.” These were the words my six-year-old ever so calmly and wisely whispered to me as he gently climbed up upon his stool to wipe away the tears from my cheeks. You see, just a day prior, our family lost a dear […]
Regaining Health – Role Modeling Healthy Habits The “Quarantine 15” has been yet another horrible reality of the pandemic. Not only were we separated from loved ones and friends, but unstructured days, decreased motivation, and increased boredom led to unhealthy habits for families. The result, for many, has been weight gain and reduced fitness […]
For the past year, children have mostly been stuck inside, in front of a computer for school, and on a device during free time. And as much as parents have tried to keep their children active, it’s been a struggle with the limitations of many activities. But now, as communities begin opening back up in […]
Productivity is one of the most highly regarded traits in the work world today. And to be productive, multitasking is the go-to method. The ability to switch between multiple tasks rapidly is seen as a special skill, but it stifles productivity and increases the likelihood of making mistakes. But with the growing flood of information […]
Attention span has long been a topic regarding the relationship between children and learning. As the years have passed, technology has been at the forefront of our everyday lives. This has caused the concern for inattentiveness to become even more of an issue. Children are constantly presented with new and exciting things that catch their […]
This is an amazing article written by a leader in the Martial Arts Industry, Melody Johnson. Look her up!! Thanks for taking the time to read this!!!! That alone shows that you are an amazing Parent that is always looking to improve & become better as we also are always looking to improve and give […]
Your New Family Activity: Martial Arts It’s the ideal time to talk about how to find family activities. It’s a NEW YEAR, & David Fuller Karate will give you a NEW WAY to bond as a FAMILY!!! That’s why “We Are……The BEST” martial arts school around you & in Chester county. If you have kids […]
Martial Arts: The Effective After School Program A parent’s work schedule never really syncs up perfectly with his/her child’s school schedule. As school lets out for the day, parents are usually wondering what options are in place for them to place their children in until they are out of work. Plus, they want to […]
The Positive Effects of Martial Arts for a Child in School Grade school can be quite the experience for any child. It is a place where a child not only learns academically but one where a child must learn to socialize and function in the world. Unfortunately, there are a lot of negative experiences that […]