Spending time with your kids means more than sitting in the same room as them. It involves being fully present and engaged during your time together. Your presence can’t be replaced by physical objects or copied by anyone else. It is unique, and your children need it in their lives. You are one of your child’s favorite people, and they yearn for your attention.
Children thrive with involved parents, and it means so much to them when you show up. Coming to extracurricular events, helping with homework, and cuddling is essential to a developing child. Parents who work out of the home can still be diligent and present.
Children love new toys, and they tend to ask for many of them. However, nothing means more to them than spending time with you. Give them time, energy, love, and presence–it means more than any toy you could buy.
Why Your Presence Means So Much to Your Child
There are always people on their smartphones or electronic devices when you look around you. Although they are in the presence of others, they’re not engaged or present. This same situation applies to the way you parent your children.
Your work life can interfere with your ability to be present with your children. When you work long hours and don’t make time to have fun with your kids, they’ll miss out on things they need.
If these situations sound familiar, it could mean that your child needs more of your presence. It doesn’t matter how much money you make if your child feels disconnected from you.
They Want You to Notice Them
They want you to notice their smiles, laughter, hugs, and sadness. Additionally, they also want you to be active in the uncomfortable moments when they need your security and comfort. They rely on you, and if you aren’t there, it can be devastating to their mental health.
Your Presence Gives Them Comfort and Security
Children feel more comfortable when they know where you are. This comfort is why they seek you out when you’re at home. They might not need anything, but they want to see you and find comfort in your presence.
Knowing that you are nearby gives children a sense of security that nothing else can replace. They often want to know that you’re close, even if they don’t need your full attention at that moment. When you’re always out of the house prioritizing wealth, they won’t find comfort because you’re not around.
It Lets Them Know They Are Loved
Your child grows up knowing that they are loved and cherished. They know that their parents care about them and want to see them do well and be happy. It doesn’t take wealth to give your child these feelings, and it’s something they need.
They Need Your Example
Children learn from their parents from the time they’re born. They learn how to speak, walk, hold eating utensils, use the bathroom, and every other milestone. Children watch everything you do, even if they don’t say anything about it.
If you aren’t present for them to learn from, it leads them to miss out on developmental milestones. It can also push them to learn from other sources, and that’s not always beneficial. Spend time showing them that you are there to guide them through life.
Children Need Physical Touch
The physical touch from a loved one is powerful for children. Their need for contact is one of the benefits of skin-to-skin contact after birth. As your child gets older, they still need you there to love and nurture them.
Physical touch increases brain development and protects your child from feeling separated. Cuddle with your child, let them sit on your lap, and give them plenty of hugs.
Your Presence Helps Build Their Self-Esteem
Involved parents help their children gain confidence and self-esteem. When you attend their concerts, games, and school events, it makes them feel secure and loved. Helping with their homework or making sure it’s complete also promotes their sense of self-worth.
Read more at: https://www.powerofpositivity.com/presence-means-more-children-than-wealth/
Written by Sarah Barkley